Light Up Your Business Signage: The Top 7 Types of Signs for Business

ShieldCo doesn't just provide professional works of art for your home or office; we also make some of the best business signs you can find. Naturally, getting a sign to advertise your business is important if you are an entrepreneur. You'll want something that stands out in the right way. That's why investing in a business sign can be one of the most crucial parts of starting a business.

Before investing significantly in business signs, it's crucial to consider what type of sign will best represent your brand and where it will be placed. Exterior signage has different needs than interior business signs. Is your sign going in shopping centers, or do you need monument signs? If you're wondering about the best types of business signs, you've come to the right place because ShieldCo has some helpful tips for your next project.

Exterior Business Signs

1. Commercial Signs

The style of a commercial sign might vary depending on its type. Commercial signs are usually placed as monument signs, pole signs, or signs attached to the exterior of the building. Typically, this type of commercial sign is located above the door at the entrance to the business.

These signs are usually meant to be large, attract attention, and direct customers to the appropriate place.

Typically, a company name will be seen on the building, so these types of exterior signage designs are for things like gyms, restaurants, stores, and hotels.

The pros of these signs are that they are eye-catching, they provide excellent visibility, and they can lure in new potential customers. The largest downside is that they are hard to maintain given their usual position high up.

2. Monument Business Sign

Monument signs are long-lasting and easier to care for. Generally, they act as wayfinding signs, so when foot traffic or drivers pass, they can see where and what the business is. Typically, they are at eye level and made for easy visibility.

You'll find these business signs outside parking lots, buildings, or entrances. This type of display is an excellent way to allow more creativity with designs since people will be looking at it longer, and their outdoor nature means more durable metal like aluminum and steel

3. Individual Lettering

Also known as "channel letters," these signs have three-dimensional letters or a background to give the appearance of extra dimension. The letters themselves can be hollow which allows for lighting the interiors.

These outdoor signs are great for low-light visibility and usually display brand names. The style lends to a professional image like what you would find with higher-end retail, law offices, or financial institutions.

Individual lettering is cost-effective and made to withstand outdoor conditions with minimal care. It also works for indoor signs, which we'll cover in a moment.

4. Pylon Signs

Pylon signs, also known as freestanding signs, are typically what you will find mounted on support structures. A pylon sign will usually have other types of business signs above or under it. They are usually located at the side of a road near the entrance to a parking lot. Pylon signs are another type of wayfinding signage as they indicate to passersby what is there.

The pros of pylon signs are that they are incredibly cheap to make and are a clearly visible way to guide customers toward your facility or businesses. You will likely find them around shopping centers with multiple businesses like malls or office parks.

ShieldCo sign for The Twisted Oar.

Interior Signs

Interior signs serve different functions for businesses. While things like monument signs and pylon signs provide outdoor signage to customers, indoor signs can provide different types of ways to advertise. Interior signs can also provide an informal and low-profile way to maintain brand image, for example seeing a custom metal sign display inside your favorite pub. You already know where you are, but the display reinforces the brand identity.

5. Office Signs

A significant difference between outdoor and indoor signs is that a lot of interior ones are artistic or ornamental. A prime example of this is ShieldCo's custom office signs. Crafted with channel letters or layered metal, these designs are not just functional but also serve as a creative expression of your brand. 

These signs will create a lasting impression and can be very customizable with three-dimensional letters, colors, and even lights to represent your brand or logo.

6. Backlit Signs

Backlit signs are great decorative pieces that can enhance any room, like a lobby or waiting area. The catch with backlit signs is that they are very noticeable and as you may have guessed, are lit up.

For professional offices like lawyers or doctors, this might seem a little out of place, but backlit signs can bring a space together for music studios or restaurants.

7. Individual Lettering

Similar to how channel letters function outdoors, they can also provide a great way to advertise your brand name indoors. Typically individual letters spell out the name of your brand so this is the style you would opt for if you were providing a professional service such as a doctor's office, financial institution, or something similar.

Indoor channel letters can also be illuminated with spotlights or backlights. ShieldCo provides customers with a template so installation is easy and precise.

Quillion sign by ShieldCo
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